Pictofacts: 31 Things That Feel Nothing Like They Look Pictofacts: 31 Things That Feel Nothing Like They Look
September 1, 2016

#6. This one actually took a lot of 'shopping on the lower image. But with a #6 placement, obviously it was worth it. This one also features one of the more prolific stock photo models, who shows up all over the place, in ads, on TV commercials... and sometimes in Cracked Pictofacts. I don't use her any longer because she's way too recognizable.


I love this next one, and was sorely disappointed it didn't place. I worked hard on the Starship Troopers half of the piece:

This is just sappy:

Next time I'll track down a photo of a stethoscope under a shirt. Preferably the shirt of an impossibly healthy, cut, sexy human: